Krispy Kreme font

image of the official Krispy Kreme font

The lettering that is used in the Krispy-Kreme donut-store logo is actually a custom-designed creation. The font that most closely resembles this original logo is a freeware font by the name of Lobster

Lobster is a near identicle replica of the original KK design. It contains all the same typographic swirls and embellishments that were used in the original design.

Click on the link below to get your hands on this Krispy Kreme ttf font replica.

About the Krispy Kreme lettering style

If you’re in the mood for an American-style donut and a coffee, Krispy Kreme will not disappoint. Krispy Kreme has venues all around the world where they sell baked goods, and a mix of soft, hot, iced, and frozen beverages. Krispy Kreme was founded by Vernon Rudolph in 1937 and opened its first store outside the US in 2001. Their business has boomed since and the company now has over 5,200 employees in 1,005 locations around the world.


Krispy Kreme font generator

If you're in the mood to create a sweet-treat logo design then step right up and try out our Krispy Kreme Font Generator application. It allow you to take full control for how you want your image to look like - you can specify the text, size, and colors.


Categories: Food & Drink Fonts